I’ve always loved this quote by Maya Angelou, “… people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” When we encourage other people, we make them feel good. We lift their spirits. We remind them that they can do great things and that they are of great worth.
Just the other day, I saw another quote - this one from attorney Robert Ingersoll, “We rise by lifting others.” I’ve been thinking a lot about how these two ideas complement each other.
I work to better myself, and to grow. I run and swim. I take yoga classes. I read. I attend
seminars. Yet most of that is done in isolation. I can, if Ingersoll is correct, continue developing myself by encouraging other people; and then like Angelou reminds me, focus on how other people feel. I can make progress by reminding others of their value and impact.
I like doing that. I like pouring into other people.
But Ingersoll said I would rise; that we would rise. So, what benefits do we realize when we help our friends and acquaintances see themselves as valuable and realize the significant contributions that they make? So again, I did a little research.
Did you know, that if you are a habitual encourager, you can realize these benefits:
∙Increased personal happiness: Helping someone feel valued feeds you with positive
feelings, which boosts your overall happiness.
∙Stronger relationships: By encouraging people, you build trust and deeper connections,
which can lead to stronger and more supportive friendships.
∙Increased optimism: Because you’re focused on others’ strengths and potential, you will
likely see fewer problems or failures; thereby developing a more optimistic outlook in
your own life.
∙Reduced stress: Research shows that acts of kindness release oxytocin, which can lower
stress levels. It can’t be that far of a stretch to see how positive words could result in the
∙Personal impact: I like to think that if you encourage two friends, they can each
encourage two friends, and so on and so on. It’s like you’re the first domino in a long
string of dominos.
Then there are those things like decreased anxiety, improved heart health, a stronger immune system, and improved sleep, which could all contribute to a longer life.
So, what’s the downside? I’m not seeing one.
There are more than enough things in the world that could bring us down – and it wouldn’t take much. Instead, let’s open our eyes to the positive. Let’s be the ones that swim upstream and see if we can turn the tide.
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